We need donations of HATS, GLOVES, SCARVES, and SOCKS to provide to Pittsburgh's homeless population as part of the KEEPING THE NEEDY WARM project. As the winter season progresses, department stores are clearing out their winter items. This is a great time to visit local stores and purchase these items at deep discounts. Once you have those items purchased, you may donate them to our Community Service Committee for distribution to those in need.
If you have items to donate, you may deliver them to RAMP's office (1427 West Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh 15226). If you need the items picked up, one of our committee members may be able to meet you... Just send us an email.
Our annual Senior Curb Appeal Day was sidetracked during the Covid-19 pandemic. So, we teamed up with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to plant a community flower garden at the intersection of McArdle Road and Grandview Avenue on Mt. Washington.
Would you like to volunteer with our Community Service Committee to do projects like this one? Let us know.