SOLD OUT Mandatory CE: Fair Housing and Agency | Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025 | 12 – 5 PM

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This class is sold out. Please select the March 12th class.
Location: Hybrid class, meet in-person or on Zoom.
The Pennsylvania State Real Estate Commission voted to impose a continuing education requirement for the 2024-2026 renewal period. The requirement is that a minimum of 5 (five) hours of the required 14 hours of continuing education must be taken in the following topics: 2-hours in Fair Housing and 3-Hours in Agency Relationship.
The National Association of Realtors also requires 2-hours Fair Housing Training for the 2025-2027 Triennial period.
Satisfy all the mandatory requirements above with this 5-hour Mandatory CE course at Realtors Educational Institute! Taught by Terry Wright, Esq.
- BY PHONE with credit card – 412-563-5200 x217 or x219
- BY MAIL with check – RAMP 1427 W. Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15226. (please include student names)
- ONLINE PAYMENT with credit card using the form below.