Community Service Crew Feeds Less Fortunate
On June 23rd, a group of volunteers from the Community Service Committee arrived on the North Side of Pittsburgh prepared to provide an old fashioned cook out. In less than an hour, our crew prepared and distributed over 125 meals consisting of hamburgers, and hot dogs.
Affiliate Member Ed Sickmund of MyWay Mobile Storage provided a large grill and charcoal to grill the burgers and dogs. The rest of the volunteers packaged and distributed the meals to the community members. Thank you to Pastor Bob Maravelli of the Daily Bread Feeding Program for allowing us to participate in their program.
Thank you to all of the volunteers: Angel Ivey, President Jim Jarrett, Ed Sickmund, Emily Platts, Bob Moncavage, John Petrack, Michelle Schocker, Max Lieberth, Jason Corna, and Jeff Zirngibl.
Check out photos from the lunch by clicking on the photo below: